Kansas City Barbecue

Local Favorites from Arthur Bryants

Traveling through the Midwest, stopping at a barbecue restaurant has to be a must. It's a must because of the traditional food that they bring. Most of the barbecue restaurants at locally owned and have been around for the previous forty-fifty years. For instance, Arthur Bryant's is a favorite in Kansas City because of their rich traditions. Being a family owned business, a longstanding business from the middle twentieth century, representing the 'Father of Barbecue', and their signature sauce which is known around the world. However, there are locals who attend Arthur Bryant's weekly because of the support of small business and their food. Depending on their mood, a variety of food can be ordered. Most customers end up supporting the local restaurant and purchase their signature sauce. 
At every table at Arthur Bryant's, theses three type of sauces accompany every meal that is purchased at Arthur Bryant's. The local favorites at Bryant's is the stack of ribs with a side of fries and beans. Bryant's ribs comes in half and full slabs. Notable local favorites at Bryant's are the signature sandwiches that are sold; beef, ham, turkey, and burnt ends. Another favorite is the meat tray which is sold by the pound and the options are beef, ham, turkey, ribs, sausage, burnt ends, and pull pork. 


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