Kansas City Barbecue

Gates Bar-B-Q

This story begins a little different compared to Joe's Kansas City Barbecue. Instead this story begins in the middle of the twentieth century, with George W. Gates. Gates decided that he wanted to pursuit a family owned and operated restaurant. This restaurant opened in 1946 and named it "Gates Ol' Kentucky".  Ten years into Gates new business, his son begin following to his dad's business. Ollie Gates did contribute to help managing his dad's business which reached success in the 1960's.
Moving into 1975, grocery stores in the Kansas City area begun selling Gates products inside stores. The smart investment for the Gates family was creating different style of sauces and spices. In 1983, Gates begun a national disruption and opened Gates Commissary where they distributed and manufactured their signature sauce and spices. Gates Bar-B-Q is a local family owned company in Kansas City. They are known for their national trademark, "Hi, May I Help You?" and for their fast, personalize service and their food. 

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