This page was created by Ruoqi Ji.
The Homeless situation
"1.Among homeless adults, 58 percent were severely mentally ill, 24 percent were physically disabled, 15 percent were veterans, 14 percent were victims of domestic violence, and 10 percent were employed.
2.Homeless shelters had to turn away both homeless families and homeless individuals.
3.To accommodate an increase in the demand for shelter, shelters have had to increase the number of persons or families that can sleep in a single room and distribute vouchers for hotel or motel stays because shelter beds were not available.
4.For the next year, city officials expect the number of homeless families to increase substantially, the number homeless individuals to increase moderately, and resources to provide emergency shelter to decrease moderately. "
The data shows in the Table below:
Table created by myself
It's hard to know what that place was before Avana 522 apartment was built, but the high rent is apparently too much for homeless people and the apartment didn't make any actions so far to prevent the homeless in Bothell so I think they have no contributions to lower homeless rate in Bothell.