12017-02-23T08:42:23-08:00Ruoqi Ji76fdc032c9d803cd7ebbb302ac95948209dd3920155751Pricing Compareplain2017-02-23T08:42:23-08:00Ruoqi Ji76fdc032c9d803cd7ebbb302ac95948209dd3920Based on the data provided by www.myapartmentmap.com, the average price for a one bed apartment in Bothell is $963, $1185 for two beds and $1580 for a three beds apartment. In Avana, the price is average $1306 for one bed apartment, $1659 for two beds and $2130 for three beds. From the data it shows that Avana 522 apartment has a higher renting cost than average in Bothell. The Average cost of apartment renting near Bothell showing in the graph below.
(Graph from MyApartmentMap.com page "Bothell, WA apartments")
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12017-02-23T08:42:23-08:00Ruoqi Ji76fdc032c9d803cd7ebbb302ac95948209dd3920AboutRuoqi Ji1This is the description pageplain2017-02-23T08:42:23-08:00Ruoqi Ji76fdc032c9d803cd7ebbb302ac95948209dd3920