Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum: A Guide for Students and Teachers

Everywhere, All the Time

Educating a New Generation of Citizen-Scholars

Everywhere, All the Time: Adobe Creative Cloud Across the Curriculum is a new kind of resource for a new kind of student: learners who increasingly work in digital realms, students who are likely to produce media and not just consume it, and future professionals who read, write, think, and communicate in digital, networked environments.

In other words, this resource is for every student, all of the time, in any course, and in any discipline -- everywhere and any time intellectual work is being done, because digital media are not just an “external wrapping” put on a “thought package” to make it seem cool.  This is how thinking and learning are increasingly happening in the first place: Everywhere, All the Time.

College campuses everywhere,  including my own at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, are currently revising their curricula with an increasing emphasis on experiential learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and an array of literacies. As dramatic as these changes might seem at first, the purpose of higher education remains the same: to develop students into citizen-scholars who use their intellectual work and creative practices to promote the public good and advance their professions. 

However, the contexts in which students and professionals now produce and circulate their work continue to change rapidly, largely in response to emerging digital and information technologies. Everywhere, All of the Time is a practical resource for extending literacy traditions into new contexts with an emphasis on critical reading and listening combined with creative problem solving through writing, speaking, presenting, and making.

This guide is organized according to the most common kinds of academic work, such as research studies, technical reports, and audiovisual presentations. Everywhere, All of the Time shows instructors and students alike how to use an array of Adobe Creative Cloud applications to tackle familiar forms of academic work in innovative, digital ways. This resource showcases and examines powerful student work from across the curriculum to provide faculty and students with the inspiration to innovate and the scaffolding to do so effectively.

Everywhere, All of the Time supports teaching and learning in your courses through the use of Adobe Creative Cloud, and not the other way around. The goal here -- the primary learning outcome -- is for students to strengthen their critical, creative capacities by using the most powerful and widely used digital literacy tools in the world to solve problems and connect with audiences, teachers, clients, communities, constituents, and readers. Everywhere, All of the Time flattens the technological learning curve for students and teachers so that they can better focus on what’s most important: learning and problem solving in the contexts of their coursework.

Navigating this Resource

There are many ways to navigate through this resource, and the easiest way is to access the Table of Contents through the menu icon that looks like this in the top-left hand corner: 

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