"What I Saw In The Water or What The Water Gave Me, 1938, This Painting is a symbolic work illustrating various events from the artists life and incorporating numerous elements from other works.
12016-12-04T12:52:58-08:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0113164Frida Kahlo developed her own, highly personal pictorial language. Although many of her works contain surreal and fantastical elements, they cannot be called Surrealist, for in none of them does she entirely free herself from reality. Extract from Kettenman (1992).plain2016-12-04T13:10:14-08:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0
Contents of this annotation:
12016-09-15T05:38:01-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0What the Water Gave Me Components1media/WP_20160915_08_48_52_Pro.jpgplain2016-09-15T05:38:01-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0