1media/2ad4b2c438ce05176266b4a4e3545768.jpgmedia/the-wounded-deer.jpg2016-09-15T03:48:55-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0113167image_header2017-01-07T07:26:48-08:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0The Wounded Deer (1946) represented the disappointment Kahlo felt after getting her hopes up that her operation in New York would be a success and cure her of her pain. Unfortunately, she suffered with pain and depression when she returned to Mexico where she painted a young deer fatally wounded by arrows. In the background, there is some sky with lightning which could symbolise hope, however being surrounded by dead trees and broken branches – as well as being fatally wounded – the deer symbolises fear and desperation, and her loss of hope knowing that she will never be able to change her fate.
12016-09-15T05:00:16-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0The Wounded DeerAngelia Muller1Frida Kahlo, The Wounded Deer, 1946.
Oil on Masonite, 30 x 22.4 cm.
Collection of Carolyn Farb Houston, Texas, U.S.A.plain2016-09-15T05:00:16-07:00Angelia Mullered5cb113d48ec91158427c2bf225a8cba4decfe0
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12016-09-15T05:00:16-07:00The Wounded Deer1Frida Kahlo, The Wounded Deer, 1946.
Oil on Masonite, 30 x 22.4 cm.
Collection of Carolyn Farb Houston, Texas, U.S.A.media/the-wounded-deer.jpgplain2016-09-15T05:00:16-07:00