Digital History Seminar: 20th Century Spain

Education Under Franco

So what I've decided on for this page is to use it to discuss monuments as a symbol of repression. I've been working with two tools, both the mapping and timeline tools, to try and assess which one better serves the interactive purpose of this piece as well as has the most impact. The timeline would allow analysis over why memorials might have been created at a certain time, such as examining why the Arco de la Victoria wasn't put up until the mid-1950's by considering how the political climate at the time. The mapping tool has some potential use for examining why a monument might be placed where it was, but presents a problem in that I've only found one really solid database over monuments, and believe it might be more regionally than nationally focused.

Writing for this part of the project is still a work in progress, but I'm also looking for a way to add more depth to interactivity in this section, as well as across the board. 

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