Relational Possibilities: A Remix of Aesthetic Forms Through Indigeneity and Blackness

Exhibition Space II

Brush strokes tell stories, Philadelphia's artwork, City's vibrant heart.

Iaville's art, vibrant and bold. Storytelling hues. Community thrives.


Legacy etched deep, from ancestors’ brave struggles, our African roots. 

Descendants of strength, embracing struggles as one, our community.




Exhibition Methodology
According to scholar, Rita L. Irwin (2022), A/r/tography is the practice of exploring the world through a continuous process of creating art and writing. The two mediums are interconnected, weaving together to create enhanced meanings. A/r/tographical work is guided by concepts such as living inquiry, metaphor/metonymy, and excess, embodied in the exchanges between art and text. While a/r/tography is about self-expression, it is also social. Groups of a/r/tographers come together to engage in shared inquiries and present their collective works to others.

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