Relational Possibilities: A Remix of Aesthetic Forms Through Indigeneity and Blackness

The Kindred Blackness Data Cafe

The Kindred Blackness Data Cafe welcomes you! We are happy to provide two information packages for your everyday use or research requirements. The Art, Lit dataset and a text data game are available on our data menu. We invite you to investigate the possible open-access applications of each information, data tool and to learn more about it. We urge you to explore the capabilities of each data tool and make the most of your possible applications. Anyone interested in learning more and delving into the realm of data and text analytics can access these resources. Your use of the Kindred Blackness Data Cafe is appreciated!

Kindred Blackness | ART. LIT. DATA. set is a carefully curated data resource dedicated to African American community web archiving, data information, art, and literature, and providing access to the work of a select group of artists and writers from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The work of these artists and writers is archived as text as data and information as art, serving as a valuable source of information for research or life-long learning. The data project is based on the belief that self-documentation of one's history is essential to understanding oneself and one's community through art and writing. 

Enter B L A C K P H I L L Y, 5 levels of data vignettes, curated by Alain LeRoy Locke. You control the level of reach of knowledge and understanding about community, history, society, and advocacy through reading and text from the works of African American visual and literary artists. The game's goal is to interact with the artists' creations through text. Progress through challenges and save your responses in a fictional virtual time capsule. Console more soul. Level Up! 


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