How To See Palestine: An ABC of Occupation

How To Use the ABC

What I've offered here is what I saw, arranged alphabetically and in thematic clusters, which can be understood from one entry or all. The examples of everyday experience are the places from which we can begin to unravel the logic of colonial articulations--or simply, how the occupation does what it does.

All text and photographs are by myself. Use and read how you will. Feel free to cite, quote and share under Creative Commons license.

The Alphabet is here if you want to select a single page to read, or read A-Z. There are thematic clusters as well that are visualized for navigation by tagging. A 'tag' means that the entry in the ABC has been filed under one of the themes below. Tagging produces a non-hierarchical way of indicating which pages belong to which theme. In a physical book, one page has to come first and thereby seems more important. In the Scalar book, all pages are equal and it's up to you how to read it. This open-ended arrangement reflects my sense both that the occupation inflects all aspects of everyday life in Palestine every day and that, at least in a report back like this, each aspect can give you an equal and substantial account of that occupation. 

Here are the themes:
Some of the pages in the clusters intersect and you can change direction if you want in the visualizations.

All the photographs can be accessed here if you just want to see them. The photographs are mostly of structures, landscapes, animals and objects--in other words, there are not many people. In part, that's my photographic taste as I often see when I teach photography and students bring in lots of portraits instead of what I've assigned. In part, too, I did not want to photograph people without their consent or to post pictures of Palestinians that might have consequences for them.

There are also specific themed photo galleries. These are also organized by tags and display as a set of thumbnails. Please click on a photo and it will show you the image in full resolution and give you the context of its page:
There are of course many experts in the field like Ariella Azoulay, Gil Hochberg, Jasbir Puar, Helga Tawil-Souri, Eyal Weizman whose work can help you go further. These are my own impressions, offered because I think Palestine matters to all of us, expert or not. 

This page has paths: