Transboundary E-waste

Procedure for ScienceScape Sankey Output.

Creating the Sankey diagram of main authors, keywords, and journals involved a five step process:

1. We accessed the Scopus database and created title, abstract, and keyword search queries for the following combinations of terms: ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND export; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND (labor OR labour); ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND ("labor cost" OR "labour cost"); ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND regulatory; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND regulation; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND overseas; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND manufacturing; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND jobs; ("e-waste OR "electronic waste") AND "manufacturing jobs".

2. Once complete, the individual search queries defined in the previous step were combined to ensure no duplicate documents appeared in the results.

3. We used the Scopus export function to create a data file of our results that could be used on the ScienceScape platform.

4. We uploaded the data file to the Sankey diagram option and obtained the results for main authors, keywords, and journals.

5. It was necessary to manually rearrange the Sankey output to arrange each column in descending order.

Readers can repeat our procedure if they have access to Scopus. For those without such access, the data file we used for the ScienceScape procedure can be downloaded here. Once downloaded, the file can be used to repeat the Sankey diagram procedure as well as other visualizations available via ScienceScape.

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