Lithuanians in Chicago


The Lithuanian-language press in Chicago has a rich history that still continues today. In 1909, S. Rokoszas began publication Lietuva which became the first widely read Lithuanian-language newspaper published in Chicago. In 1914, Pijus Grigaitis began publishing Naujienos, an originally socialist publication which continued publication until 1985. In 1912, the Catholic newspaper, Draugas, published by the Lithuanian Marian Fathers was relocated from Pennsylvania to Chicago (Budreckis 1976). Draugas is still published today and is the longest running Lithuanian daily newspaper to be published without interruption in the last last century (Kviklys 2009). Draugas has been digitized by both the Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania and the Library of Congress. A full archive of the newspaper is available through the Draugas website and a full history of the newspaper is included below.

Today, not only does Draugas continue publication in Chicago but the following newspapers and magazines are also active:

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