Zomick's Challah Bread: Zomick's most delicious achievement is their signature Challah bread

Tips for Planning a Kosher Meal

Planning a kosher meal sometimes might seem like a daunting task, especially if you are new to kosher. It might seem even more complicated if a meat is involved, because it cannot be mixed with dairy products. Zomick’s kosher experts share their tips to help keep you on track.

1) If you are cooking for guests, first of all, you might find out their level of kosher observance, before you start planning anything. There are some Jewish families that will not eat food from a kitchen that has not been koshered. So, before you begin to cook, it is best to find out everybody’s needs.

2) According to the Kosher laws, meat cannot be served with dairy. So, cheese, butter, milk, and dairy salad dressings cannot be used in any of the recipes and cannot be served on the table with the meat.

3) Finding a kosher meat, sometimes could be a difficult task, especially for a weekend meal. And if you are looking for an organic kosher meat, it will me even more difficult. So, the best advice from Zomick’s is to plan ahead and use Google to help you find local kosher butchers. One important thing to bear in mind is that kosher butchers and stores usually close early on Friday for Shabbat (some as early as 2:00pm!), and are also closed all day on Saturday. That means, if you are serving a Friday or Saturday night dinner, you will need to go shopping on Friday morning, or buy the meat beforehand and freeze it.
4) If you have a special recipe that uses butter, you can substitute the dairy butter with dairy-free butter. There are a lot of dairy-free butters, with no trans fats, which contain Omega 3.

5) Finding dairy-free desserts can be tough. However, Zomick’s offers you a number of delicious kosher-dairy-free desserts. In addition, you can find the recipes for these desserts on Zomick’s blog.

6) When it comes to bread, Zomick’s has the best Zomick's Challah bread, which is kosher and contains no dairy products in it. 

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