This page was created by Karen Hallett.  The last update was by Andrea Davis.

Workbook for Introduction to Digital Humanities: A-State

Dominque's Visualization

This is an example of data visualized using Palladio software.  It is a rendering of data from a spreadsheet containing information about degrees conferred by Arkansas State University - Jonesboro campus between the years 2000 and 2017.  This example shows years Doctoral Degrees were conferred on non-resident aliens (terminology used by the Arkansas State University Factbook for each of these years).

Difficulties with this assignment - formatting the spreadsheet so that Palladio would accept it was difficult, but was finally successfully achieved.  This lead to the observation that this particular data set is not conducive to this type of visualization.  This data would be better served using traditional bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts.  A network style visualization does not add to or enhance understanding of the data.

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