Women in the Black Power Movement

Third World Women's Alliance

The Third World Women's Alliance(TWAA) was able to pave the way to advocate for feminism in the United States. In the 1960s there was a feminist movement, and these organizations excluded black women, this is when the TWAA came to be. This organization was created to have a community that can navigate race, gender, capitalism, and other problems. They focused on imperialism and global struggles as well. They worked to free influential politicians who were incarcerated. 

The Third World Women's Alliance wrote, “We decided to form a black women’s organization for many reasons. One was and still is the widespread myth and concept in the black community of the matriarchy. We stated that the concept of matriarchy was a myth and that it had never existed in the United States. A matriarchy denotes a society where the economic power of a group rests in the hands of the women and we all know where the economic power of this nation rests. Our position would be to expose this myth.” 

This organization fought long and hard to make changes around the world for women in many different aspects. 

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