Women in the Black Power Movement

The Black Women United Front(BWUF)

 The Black Women United Front originated with the Women's Division of the Congress of African People(CAP). Starting on January 25, 1975, in Detroit, Michigan more than 450 activists came together to address the freedom struggle about black women. 


The main topics discussed were anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and black liberation. These women talked about gender roles and the constant struggle of black women during this period. The discussion deepened the understanding of the rights of black women along with the oppression black women have faced. The Black Women United Front focused on Black feminism and Black Power with philosophical thoughts They encouraged the teachings of the history of African American Women. 


The Black Women's United Front went to multiple conferences to spread the ideologies and philosophies of black women. One of the main ideologies was Kawaida. Kawaida is, "a philosophy based on the idea that Black cultural revolution was a necessary precursor to Black political and economic liberation. Kawaida also worked to redefine gender roles and promote women's equality.


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