Women in the Black Power Movement

Significant Women in the Black Power Movement

The perception of black women was completely shifted by the women in the Black Power Movement. Black women in this movement were able to redefine societal norms. Not only in the aspect of how black women were perceived physically, but the women were able to provide a safe space for oppressed women as well in organizations such as the Third World Women's Alliance(TWWA), the Black Women's United Front, and the black women's caucus of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC).

"Black women's intellectual work helped develop a vibrant genealogy of black thought. Whether in mixed-gender or single-sex organizations, black women have adopted and transformed Black Power principles to fit their lived experiences, and their stories depict women's resilience and resistance." - Ashley D. Farmer

In the Black Power Movement women were able to create political agendas and formed a new identity for black women in America. These women reimagined politics and challenged racial ideals in the United States. It is obvious that at this time there was segregation and racism towards people of color, and these women challenged social norms to pave the way for a better future for African Americans. Without them, African Americans wouldn't be where they are today.

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