Walter Helwich Articles

Best Apps to Lose Weight

It is never too late to worry about our health and take seriously that resolution we made on New Year's Eve.
IT expert, Walter Martin Helwich, brings you a series of applications that will help you to count calories, better plan what you eat and give you the best advice. Although, according to Helwich, an app will never be better than your willpower. But, they are a good diet companion.


Helwich indicates that this is a very simple application to use and integrate into your daily life. Yazio helps you control not only the calories you consume each day, but also the proper ratio between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Their food database is tremendously extensive, but also customizable. It also connects with other devices on your smartphone to be able to document your sports progress and take them into account in the total calculation of calories you consume / expend, which encourages you a lot when embarking on a sporting activity. For iOs and Android. Is free.

Weight Watchers

It is the famous Diet of Points and the one that Oprah followed to lose eleven kilos. It is based on betting on a healthy diet, doing physical exercise and feeling good about yourself, something that can be monitored through its online website but also with an app for your smartphone. The points that you are awarded each day to spend depend on your physical qualities and the kilos you want to lose. Helwich claims that with the app, you can calculate how many points each food costs you and subtract from your daily count, as well as record the points you earn playing sports and comment on your progress with other users.
It works as a subscription service in which you pay a monthly fee. On their website you can see the different plans they offer you.

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Diet Alba

An app that combines the convenience of monitoring through your smartphone with the peace of mind of having a professional at all times. Walter Martin Helwich specifies that the first step is to arrange a personal consultation (it can also be online) in which the client's eating habits are analyzed, their tastes and their health status is taken into account through analytics. Thus, a personalized diet is designed with weight loss goals that are reviewed two weeks after starting.

Once the objectives are achieved, a maintenance period is passed and some foods eliminated in the previous phase are introduced. Walter Martin Helwich specifies that those who have tried this app, which is a real technology trend, it has helped them especially to have broke the diet rules when they have social events. In addition, they appreciate that it is not a boring diet and that results are achieved without much sacrifice and, above all, without starving.

Of course, it requires investing your time between stoves, be proactive and go shopping on time.

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