Unit 4, Lesson 1: How did Bryn Mawr and Loma Linda come to be?

Bryn Mawr and Loma Linda Become Townsites

The small areas bought by prospectors were called townsites. They were called townsites because there were just a few people living together. They hoped that their little village would grow into a town. Some did. Some didn't. Two examples of townsites include Bryn Mawr and Loma Linda. In 1888, prospectors Drew and Crawford tried to sell plots of land which they called the Bryn Mawr Townsite, however, their business failed. Instead of buying Drew and Crawford’s land people instead chose to settle by the San Timoteo Creek. Since there were so many people settling by the creek, they started a new townsite. Instead of finding a new name for this townsite they decided to use the name of the first failed townsite, Bryn Mawr. The other townsite, Loma Linda, successfully grew from a townsite to a town and finally into the city where we go to school. 

2. Look at the street names on the original advertisement for the Bryn Mawr townsite, do you recognize any?

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