Juan "Freddie Freak" Trujillo

Life as a Freak

In 2008, Juan " Freddie Freak" Trujillo gave an interview to Ruth Soto of the Colorado State University-Pueblo University Archives and Special Collections. The purpose of this interview was to give Mr. Trujillo the opportunity to share his history and fight as a Chicano. The reason Trujillo was there was, "I have a very beautiful race of people with a very beautiful culture and we have to be able to continue to express our culture to our family and our unborn. My grandchildren don't speak Spanish and I am hoping that my great grandchildren will eventually get back to it, to sharing what I'm trying  to share today with you people." The purpose of this interview was to find out the personal beliefs and personal details of his life.

As the interview came to a close Ruth Soto asked Juan Trujillo one final question which was, " So you would you offer your advice? How to wake up these people that are sleeping? I mean it makes me angry, you know. I'm almost hitting 50 years old, and barely found out about my people and my roots. I started Chicano studies in 2006, and since I have it's like a light bulb that's went off in my head. Well, why don't we have a Chicano major? Why can't we have that here? We only have a minor here. This final question lists the frustrations that Ruth Soto has felt during the interview as Trujillo has told her his life story.

Trujillo would then go into a monologue describing his encounters with racism and what motivates him to continue with the cause for Chicano Equality. 

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