Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Importance of Elders Within a Culture & Community

Why are elders an important part of a culture and community? Because they are the culture and the original creators of a community. Elders pass down traditions, language, clothing, and history of different cultures. When elders are not there to enforce cultural practices, cultures often die or become assimilated to societal norms, which can lead to a decrease in diversity in communities. 

Elders Experiences Build Culture: 
Elders were once children. As they grew up they experienced and made things that shaped traditions and events within a culture. These traditions were passed down generation to generation slowly changing with the times but keeping core values that the elders created. 

Past Generations in Present Day: 
As traditions change with each generation, there can often be differences that either generation doesn't understand about the other or didn't have during their time period. For example, Our great-great-grandparents would send long heartfelt letters as opposed to how we just send abbreviated text messages. But oftentimes the differences learn from each other while continuing to build around common traditional concepts. 

When Elders Go The Culture Can Go With Them: 
The Elders of a culture are the main segway to the original cultural traditions. If those traditions are not passed down to future generations then often times those traditions fade away as the elders grow older and pass away. As elders die the culture could possibly die with them. 


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