Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

The Next Generation...

The present generations in communities play an important role in carrying on cultural traditions. Each generation has an important role in keeping those traditions alive while societal norms change throughout time. Sometimes those traditions are carried out differently because of the time period but the core value of the culture will continue to be passed down. 

Crossing Paths: 
These videos the cross between past and present generations and the different ways they carry out their traditional values. 
PG Generation: 
The PG or younger generations can also lack the culture that their past ancestors have once expirienced. This often happens in less prevalent cultures and is often because of how the younger generations were raised and or the community they were raised in. 
Continue The Traditions 
This video shows the importance of the younger generations carying on the culture and traditions to ensure that the culture doesn't die and constantly being celebrated and cherished. 


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