Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Understanding Community and Diversity

Having a functional diverse community is important especially in today's society. People of different cultures that share an environment are often oblivious to their neighbor's needs because they have different ideas or cultural practices. Experiencing and learning about other cultures norms and traditions can help to bridge this divide. The production of resources that accommodate each culture's needs can create an inclusive and diverse community. 

These first videos explain the importance of diversity within a community setting. The higher the variety of different cultures leads to a more diverse pool of ideas and concepts that may be foreign. They also explain the importance of experiencing the different cultures that are around you and how that benefits the community as a whole.

The conflicts between different cultures that originated in the past, somehow have an effect on those cultures in the present day. These opposing cultural views may be neighbors or shop at the same stores but many times because of lack of understanding from either side people don't care to address or contribute aid to cultural issues because they don't go through those types of problems in their own lives or cultures. 

The ability to understand another's culture is important, especially in today's society. When you can understand someone else's culture you can understand their point of view, this can help resolve conflicts and expand an individual's ability to communicate with a diverse set of people. Diversity is a group of people who come from various backgrounds. Although no two people have the same background and some are more similar than others in terms of culture, There should always be a point to show empathy and attempt to understand what a person is going through even though you might not ever share the same experience. 


The solution to building a community is to bring the cultures within a community together and allow them to share their differences and perspectives and incorporate them into the structure of the community.

Making sure that everyone has equal opportunities and chances of achieving success. Also making sure that the community issues are solved with the community and the majority of the decisions are made by them, not for them. 


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