Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Bullying VS Food- Alexis Anoje 3rd Video story

Kids are being bullied because of their food allergies which is far beyond their control.

In this food allergy PSA, a kid is shown describing an encounter he had when eating lunch in the lunchroom stating that a kids smeared peanut butter on him.

1/3 of kids with a food allergies are bullied because of them.

About 1 in 13 kids are diagnosed with food allergies, which is about 2 children in every US classroom.

Kids with food allergies have lower participation in the classroom.because of the strict avoidance of the food that they are allergic to. This can lead to social isolation.

Physical bullying is big with kids who have food allergies because the bully will throw food or stuff the food that they are allergic to in their mouths.This can lead to a severe or deadly reaction.

A solution is to spread awareness about food allergies and how dangerous they are. Another solution is to show children how to stand up for themselves and teach them to report bullying to a trusted adult. Another solution is to recognize the signs of a child that is being bullied.

Doctor tells a couple reports of children physically bullied because of their food allergies.

It is important for students, teachers, and parents to be educated on the dangers of food allergies and that it is not fun and games because these reactions can be severe or even fatal.

Kids who are well educated on food allergies are more likely to come to their friends defense when bullied because of a food allergy.

A tip on how to handle the bully is to explain to them that if you come into contact with the food, it could cause them to suffer from a severe reaction or even die. Its also important to stay calm and not freak out because bullies feed off of fear and will continue the harassment.

In Conclusion: 
Kids that suffer from food allergies constantly get bullied because of it. The bullies aren't aware of the consequences if the victim comes into contact with the food. It is important to be educated about food allergies and to prevent people from being bullied because of that.

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