Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Bystanders Vs Bullying- Alexis Anoje Video Story 2

Bullying gets swept under the rug until someone involved gets hurt. A bystander is a major role in bullying. A bystander can choose to step in or walk away. In the following social experiments we can see how real bystanders react to bullying in front of their eyes.

In this scenario the bystander witnesses the bullying, but walks away because she chooses to not get involved.

In this next clip, the bystander sees what is going on, possibly thinks about jumping in, but decides to walk away in fear because the bully notices him watching.

In this part of the video, a bystander looking on decides to jump in and defuse the situation by standing up to the bully and using herself to separate the bully from the victim.

In this scenario a homeless man is harassed by teens by being forced to do "petty tricks" for money for humiliation.

Towards the end of this scenario, a man steps in to get the teens away from the homeless man and teaches them to respect people no matter how rich or poor they are.

In this social experiment, 3 girls are out to eat, and 2 of the girls pressures the other friend into participating in bulimia. The girls suggest that it'll make her skinnier, and they mentioned a guy at their school was looking at her stomach.

A man who happens to be a coach overhears the conversation and decides to step in. He gives the girls healthy nutritional advice and also advice on guys.

In this next social experiment, a girl with a stuttering speech disorder is ordering an ice cream. Impatient teens in line harass the girl. A woman in line defends the girl, and is moved to tears.

In this last social experiment, 3 boys go clothes shopping. One of the boys doesn't have enough money for shoes, and the other boys harass and make fun of him for being poor.
A couple steps in to talk some sense into the bullies to get them to understand it is not his fault on why his family has financial issues. The couple gives the victim money so he can afford the clothes and shoes that he wants.
In this last bystander example, a man overhears the harassment and steps in. He also tries to talk sense into the bullies, but gets angry when they get mouthy and continue to bully the kid. This bystander gets in the bullies face to make sure the bullies stop.

In these social experiments we can see that when a bystander steps in to mediate the situation, it makes a big difference to the victim than if they were to just sit down and watch the situation play out. It is important to step in when someone is being harassed for bullying. 

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