Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Alexis Anoje-Video Story 1

Sims 3 Movie: Bullied Highlights and Explanation

I created a bullying movie about a girl named Isabella. Isabella is your typical shy nerdy girl who moved into a new neighborhood and school. Isabella wins a talent show against the school cheerleaders. The cheerleaders, Annemarie, Jasmine, and Chelsea are well known for bullying those who get in the way of them. Since they saw Isabella as a threat, they proceeded to constantly bully her online, through threats, and by violence. In the movie I made each of the cheerleaders represent a different type of bullying. Annemarie is the ringleader and cyber bully, Jasmine as the "threatener", and Chelsea as the physical bully. In the end the bullies get consequences which ultimately ends up hurting their futures. Isabella goes on to become an antibullying activist who gives people like her a voice to stand up to bullying.

0:12:60 First Physical Fight Scene-
Isabella gets physically attacked by Chelsea, who represents the physical/violent bully.

0:14:17 First Threat-
Isabella receives her first threat from Jasmine, who represents the "threatening bully". This prevents Isabella from reporting her attack.

 0:28:22 Cyber Bullying-
Pictures posted without permission by Annemarie used to humiliate and bully Isabella.
0:29:17 Adults Step In-
Isabella's mom finds out about her being bullied.

0:30:10 Second Threat-
Isabella is threatened over text from an unknown number (Jasmine) telling her to stay away from Jonathon or else she will get attacked at her home.

0:32:37 Second Physical Fight-
Isabella gets confronted after school by Chelsea, and gets pushed down a flight of stairs, which sends her to the hospital.

0:33:58 Hospital Scene-
Isabella sustained major injuries after being pushed down the stairs, which almost costed her life, landing her into the hospital. This scene was a metaphor to signify that no one takes bullying seriously until someone gets seriously injured or even killed.

0:36:34 Bullies Get Reported-
Isabella's mom reports the bullies to her teacher and the teacher reports the bullies to authorities.
0:38:01 Future Consequences-
Isabella's bullies get held responsible for their actions, which costs them their futures. Jasmine gets expelled from being involved with the threats, which prevents her from graduating with her class. Chelsea gets charged with attempted murder and assault which lands her in prison for 10 years. Annemarie gets her university application/acceptance revoked because of the cyber bullying and humiliation and distasteful comments towards Isabella online. This prevents Annemarie from going to the school of her dreams. This could also impact her chances of getting a job in the future because what you post online stays online forever.

0:39:36 Isabella's Future-
Isabella became an antibullying activist and continues to spread the word about bullying and how it harms people. She uses her activism to give a voice to the victims of bullying who hasn't found their voices.

0:40:45 Ending Message-
The ending message I wanted to leave the viewer with is for them to be mindful of how they think & act towards a person because it could form into a habit of bullying that person. I wanted people to be aware that if they fall under the character of a bully, it can become who they are and can face consequences because of their actions.

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