Timeframing: The Art of Comics on Screens

Key to Temporal Schematics

It’s helpful to have a common visual vocabulary to describe how time is used across disparate works. These animations are designed to help readers quickly distinguish between panels containing still images, strictly repeating loops, intermittently looping content, and full motion streams. The shaded area indicates the amount of the screen's total temporal scope that is represented by a particular panel.

Still image icon

Still image

A still image that represents a portion of a screen's action, like a panel in a traditional comic.

Hard loop animation

Hard loop

A hard loop strictly repeats a portion of the screen's action, like a GIF animation.

Soft loop animation

Soft loop

A soft loop intermittently repeats portions of a screen's action, like the randomized blinks of a character's eyes.

Stream animation


A stream unspools continuous imagery, like live action video or a single player's perspective of a multiplayer video game.

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