The Speech that Settled Kansas: Eli Thayer's Rousing Lecture

The Movement in 1854

The founding of New England Emigration Aid Company in 1854, was a direct response to the Kansas Nebraska Act. The company organized assisted emigration to Kansas from Rhode Island and the state of New York. The objective of the “organized self-sacrificing emigration”[1] as Thayer liked to call it his plans for Kansas, was to bring the ideological battle over slavery from the senate to the prairies. Thayer’s declared mission was “to dispute with Slavery every square foot of land exposed to its control. A hand-to-hand conflict was to decide between the system of free labor and the system of slave labor.”[2] Thayer stressed and called for direct action, and to the solution to the problem of slavery independent from a political decision.
[1] Johnson, Oliver. The abolitionists vindicated in a review of Eli Thayer's paper on the New England Emigrant Aid Company. Worcester, Massachusetts, Published by Franklin P. Rice, 1887, p. 9.
[2] Thayer, Eli. New England Emigrant Aid Company and its Influence, Through the Kansas Contest, Upon National History. Worcester, Massachusetts, Published by Franklin P. Rice, 1887, p. 5.

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