The Frick Fine Arts Library ~ Early History

Overview of Early Years

The Frick Fine Arts Library was established using a gift from Miss Helen Clay Frick in 1927, a gift that also established the new Fine Arts Department at the University of Pittsburgh (Alberts 1986, 351). The library was separate from the University Library System and located on the first floor of State Hall (Kinne 1936, 74-75). Although at the time of establishment catalog cards were sent to the University Library for all newly acquired books for a proposed union catalog for all of the libraries in the ULS, the Frick Fine Arts Library operated independently of the larger system (Kinne 1936, 74-75).   

It was out of Miss Frick's pocket that the fine arts staff were payed, including those who were working with her to get the library up and running (Alberts 1986, 351). This included Professor Frederick Mortimer Clapp, who she sent on a year long trek across Europe to buy books, slides, and equipment for the library (Alberts 1986, 351). Dr. Clapp, under the recommendation of Harvard University's chairman of Fine Arts, was also to be the director of the Fine Arts Department at Pitt starting in 1927 (


Alberts, Robert C. 1986. Pitt: the story of the University of Pittsburgh, 1787-1987. University of Pittsburgh Press. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Digital Research Library.;view=toc;c=pittmiscpubs  

History of Frick (get citation) 

Kinne, Emma Elizabeth. 1936. The Library, the University of Pittsburgh, historical sketch from 1875 to 1935. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Digital Research Library.;view=toc;c=pittmiscpubs 

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