The Eugenic Rubicon

Mapping the Eugenics Dataset: Census vs. Institution populations

The Data Viewer, designed by Justin Joque, combines institutional census data from the 1940 Census (blue) and data aggregated from individual sterilization records from 1935-1944 (red). Mousing over the gender, age and race data bars filter all the other graphs to exclusively that category. For example, for the full dataset dementia praecox is the most frequent reason listed for sterilization, mousing over the age group 11-10 reveals that for that group feebleminded/mental deficiency was the most frequent reason. The map on the left side shows the individual hospitals; clicking on one will show just the data from that specific institution. Since the sterilization data covers a ten year period and the Census data is based only on data from 1940, there are categories where more individuals were sterilized than were recorded in the census. It is also worth noting that all of the race categories are taken from the data sources, but currently the Census data the visualization is drawn from does not include information on Spanish surnames. The data viewer is still a work in progress that we are in the process of updating and improving. It is best viewed on a computer.


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