The Digital Baermann
The Digital Baermann is an output of the project Baermann's Body: Understanding Embodied Research in Historically Informed Performance, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council from 2023–2025. The project aim is to explore the sharing of embodied research through multi-media web publication. The Digital Baermann will be published in phases and updated as the research progresses. The first draft of sections of the Virtual Archive, bringing together primary sources including letters and writings, was released during summer and autumn 2024. The initial versions the Embodied Explorations of Baermann's Vollständige Clarinett-Schule are being released in draft form during the early part of 2025. Further material, including a catalogue raisonée of Baermann's musical works and editionsand extended thematic articles on his life and musical practice, will follow.
The sections currently available to view are:
Virtual Archive: Letters, Writings, Other Documents
Völlstandige Clarinett-Schule: An Embodied Exploration: Studies 14–25
Coming during 2025:
Virtual Archive Compositions, Editions
Vollständige Clarinett-Schule: Studies 27–34