The Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo

Q5: chicken and the pig from the farm [needs more transcription!]by Food and Society Workshop

Farm in Hasting: we slaughter and clean it and bring it home
- so far we travel for fresh meat
- in wintertime, we go to the slaughterhouse in South Saint Paul
- in terms of fish, growing up east, we're next to the ocean, you want your fish so you go and fish for it
- we've been lucky, this year, my mom's garden is still producing -- so we don't need to shop at all, unless it's for specific ingredients
- everything so much cheaper in Asian stores
- really appreciate when you have to feed a family!
- that's the whole thing about feeding people till they're not feeling hungry.
[26:00] - it's constantly feeling all the people, so they feel welcome
- in terms of rice, what people pay for in an American grocery store would never feed a family (you buy it by the 100 pound)
- especially among the elders, rice is what comforts you and what gives you strength

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