Project Planning - Organizing Your Stuff
File Naming
You should set up a consistent file naming convention that makes sense to you and can scale as you add more content.- Consider if you will be collaborating with other researchers and how you will need to share and edit your files.
- You may wish to include the date of creation as part of the file name for on-going documents to help with version control.
- For media files, consider how you plan to use or organize them in your project and create a convention that makes it easy to recognize the files in a list. Remember that most files will be alphabetized so writing a descriptive file name may not help you organize the item.
Directory - Structure and Location
Decide where you will be saving your content and how it will be organized. A clearly organized directory will help you find your items quickly and without frustration.You will want to have a main folder for your project then sub-folders for content found in the project and for content related to the information about the folder. Your content should then be organized in a cascading way so plan out your hierarchy before you get started. You may need to make some changes as you proceed but you want to avoid having one folder with all content dumped into it.