This comment was written by M. Elizabeth Bomhower on 15 Jul 2013.


SecondLife Avatar Creation

Yes, I was struck by the limitations in the avatar selection process. I, too, noticed that there was only one avatar of color - and it was obscure as to what color that even was. I also picked up the highly-sexualized/fetishized representation of both the male and female prototypes.

As some of our readings this week suggested, even in the seemingly uncolonized space of the internet, there are still covert power structures exerting their influence. Even the "ugpgrades" that can be purchased in the SL marketplace are visual representations of the unrealistic notions of beauty and/or attractiveness. Maybe instead of a "gift" economy, we might regard this as a "fetish" economy?

And I think the animal options are for the Furries out there!

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