12013-07-14T21:00:35-07:00Kasie Reyesd822f24fb52194a74961690d2c69b573be5a75657501Their take on Avatar Productionplain2013-07-14T21:00:35-07:00Kasie Reyesd822f24fb52194a74961690d2c69b573be5a7565In the digital humanities, online gaming and avatar production are fascinating areas to study for the intersection of race, sexuality, computing, social hierarchies, etc. I wonder, however, what is the demographic makeup of online gaming sites such as WOW and Second Life? I am concerned that if we do not branch out from this particular subset of gaming, DH will not only be filled with white people, but with white people studying the habits of other white people.
12013-07-17T10:03:45-07:00AnonymousWhat about Sear's and Roebukroberto mendez1plain2013-07-17T10:03:45-07:00I think that ebay is as old as exchange of goods is. It is nothing new or convinient. We have products send to distant places before.
What about 3-D printing.roberto mendez