
Chapter IV: Transitional Synthesis


Transitional synthesis is a term used by Paul Wiffen to describe wavetable synthesis and vector synthesis/wave sequencing.

Wavetable Synthesis

Wavetable synthesis is the technique of building complex sounds using a large variety of periodic waveforms.

Hover on a section of the Logic Pro X Table Retro Synth below to find out what it does:

Vector Synthesis/Wave Sequencing

Vector synthesis/wave sequencing is the technique of crossfading between multiple audio sources.  Vector synthesizers have joysticks which allow users to control this crossfading in realtime.

Hover on a section of the vector control diagram below to find out more:

Sound Samples

Click on the Soundcloud links below to hear examples of different transitional synthesis sounds:

Commercial Timelines


Scroll through the timelines below to view the commercial history of transitional synthesizers:

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