Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Deeper Cuts Two: Augustus' Family in Context

In this unit, we will see how Augustus and members of his family appear in contemporary works of art (e.g. (e.g. statuary, reliefs, cameos, and gems).  What type of leadership role(s) was the Augustan family seen in on other artistic media?  What similarities and/or differences can you find to coinage?

Some general questions for consideration and discussion:
  1.  The use of the medium of a coin is indeed different than, say, the use of the medium of architecture.  While the Forum Augustum, for instance, is stationary and can only viewed in life at Rome (of course, iconographical motifs and elements of the Forum complex have been copied or adopted on other artistic media – but, here I am referring to the whole physical structure and space of the Forum Augustum), coins were issued to be mass produced and distributed to a large number of people who were probably scattered over a wide, geographical area.  However, all these different forms of visual media clearly worked together to promote and reflect Augustus’ leadership.  Why and in what way(s)?

Listening for Leadership

Possible Group Activity

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