Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Election 2016: Playing the Gender Card (1:00)

Finally, let's consider how our modern political landscape compares to the world of Antony, Fulvia, Octavia, and Cleopatra. 
*Some relevant election-related gender and leadership piece. I don't want to commit to one now because I'm sure this cycle won't stop producing more material, and I want to pick something as topical as possible. One example: Jill Lepore's "The Sovereignty of Women". Another great one: Kay Steiger on Vox.

In-Class Assignment: What if a "card" is the wrong metaphor for gender rhetoric, but instead we think about gender as a "deck of cards"? In a group, design a "gender deck" that represents the different aspects of gender that are manipulated in leadership rhetoric. What are the different suits? What cards have high and low value? What are the jokers? If you were playing poker with the "gender deck", what would be a winning hand?

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