Style and "Substance"Main MenuPhilosophy and the ArtsWhat can philosophy do for the arts?Ontological FractalOntological MappingArt CommentaryStudent ObservationsArchaic Eternal ReturnPresocratic ClassicalSocratic Late ClassicalPlatonicNominalist RenaissanceAneesah Ettressaef5effc74a7015f877dd59f557cf7172f5a72eaJmedina29ac3fc10003fb639ac412984b59b01a5b826e161Ian Lehineb028c384a69e4b92166e7791b002fa3f2cee5818Published by Aneesah Ettress
Heaven's Fratal Net
12017-05-03T16:01:40-07:00Aneesah Ettressaef5effc74a7015f877dd59f557cf7172f5a72ea148582Retrieving Lost Visions in the Humanitiesplain2017-05-03T16:03:49-07:00Aneesah Ettressaef5effc74a7015f877dd59f557cf7172f5a72eaStrand One: The Weave of the Net p. 31 Jackson, William Joseph. Heaven's fractal net: retrieving lost visions in the humanities. Vol. 1. Indiana University Press, 2004.
1media/Asatoros Oikos.jpg2017-04-25T12:05:18-07:00Ontological Fractal14visconnections2018-10-13T22:04:39-07:00"The recursiveness of the whole and the quality of infinity make the image all-encompassing and intricate." ... "Fractal images and zooms within their scales are like snapshots of Indra's net, vivid visualizations of mutualities, connectivities, and subtle relationships. They help us visualize in many ways how the whole can be found reflected in the parts."