Stereotyping in America Through the Centuries

Stereotypes for Hispanics

While fantasy action stories can hold stereotypes that may require more reading into, racial dynamics in comedic cartoons can be seen much more easily as the target is enlarged by exaggeration for comedic effects. One of such examples is Consuela in the popular American cartoon Family Guy. Consuela is a maid who speaks broken english, is portrayed to be a very annoying character, displayed to be unintelligent, and has a son in prison. She’s also voiced by a white male named Mike Henry. The reason it’s found to be funny is because she’s a walking stereotype as seen by the American public. Though the comedy comes from a satirical sense, it’s undeniable that these characters have set a building ground, if not, enhanced the racial stereotypes floating around the United States on people of Hispanic descent.

Consuela, in Family Guy, cleaning while listening to a “Mexican Song” bothering Peter