Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

Historical events of the 1930s-1970s

In the 1930s, South Bend was hit hard by the Great Depression, and many residents struggled to make ends meet. The city's economy received a boost in the 1940s with the establishment of the Studebaker Corporation's assembly plant, which provided jobs for thousands of workers. During World War II, the plant shifted to producing military vehicles, further bolstering the local economy.

In the 1950s, South Bend experienced significant growth and development, with new neighborhoods, shopping centers, and schools being built. Saint Mary's College also played a role in the community's development during this time, expanding its campus and increasing enrollment. In the 1960s, however, South Bend fell on hard economic times, as the Studebaker factory closed in 1963. National politics were also very much on the minds of South Bend residents, as they witnessed the Civil Rights Movement and participated in protests and marches in support of equal rights for African Americans.

The 1970s brought continued growth and development, including the construction of the University Park Mall and the completion of the St. Joseph Valley Parkway, which improved transportation in the area. Saint Mary's also continued to thrive, establishing new academic programs and expanding its campus facilities to include the Angela Athletic Facility, academic building Madeleva Hall, and residence hall McCandless Hall. 

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