12016-12-28T20:59:46-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6143082This brief and awkwardly narrated oral interview with Linda and Staph describes the origins of the policy team's shark obsession, beginning with an encounter in the very earliest days of Fall 2012. Note the tropes that will become central to the team's identity throughout the next few years – the long (and iconic!) sojourns at Crossroads Mall, the extortion of Staph for candy and all sorts of delicious snacks, and Linda's fun and evocative hand gestures.plain2016-12-28T21:05:17-08:00SoundCloud2016/12/29 04:58:24 +0000300012808jessicajiangall-rights-reserved2012-10-01 12:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6
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12016-12-28T19:42:15-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6Sharks Forever: An Interlake Policy Debate GenealogyJessica Jiang15timeline2017-01-08T16:58:40-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6