12017-01-08T16:12:23-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6143082Nevada Union debater Kris may have introduced themself as "Sarah Lim's worst nightmare," but don't forget that they were also one of Interlake debate's very first friends. And the first to provide a glimpse of what poorly-OCR'd critical theory pdfs could offer in the way of debating and worldmaking. We are forever grateful!plain2017-01-08T16:13:15-08:002012-12-03 00:03Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6
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12016-12-28T19:42:15-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6Sharks Forever: An Interlake Policy Debate GenealogyJessica Jiang15timeline2017-01-08T16:58:40-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6