12017-01-08T16:56:39-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6143082"In the unofficial rankings of debate shirts it is a solid number one, entering the hall of fame for pioneering the first debate shirt to actually look good." -- Jeron Dastrup, Glenbrooks Champion. "Buy this shirt to be cool; scroll if you hate America." -- Christopher Callahan, NFL National Champion (but why not do both, tbh?)plain2017-01-08T16:57:41-08:002014-07-08 21:02Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6
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12016-12-28T19:42:15-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6Sharks Forever: An Interlake Policy Debate GenealogyJessica Jiang15timeline2017-01-08T16:58:40-08:00Jessica Jiang2fd6b1865bddfd1bf879dca925783e3132c69ef6