Sex and Caste at 50


My greatest debt is to Casey Hayden, who contacted me this summer.  It was my honor and privilege to correspond with her.  However, I want to make clear, the analysis here is mine alone, and not endorsed by her. In fact, at several key points, my interpretation diverges from hers.  

I also benefited from the research assistance of Dina Galiatsatos.

Early readers gave me valuable feedback including Tom Dublin, Kitty Sklar, Julie Enszer Devin Hunter, Voichita Nachescu, and Kelly O'Donnell.  Given my time crunch, I'm doubly grateful for their willingness to read my inchoate draft.

Kelly Wooten at the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture in the Special Collections Library at Duke University and Amanda Strauss, Research Librarian at The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America both searched their archives for original copies of the Memo. 

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