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Epistle to the Romans 1-5 (Tyndale)

Tyndale Bible The Wesley Center, Jan. 1 2015. Web. Feb. 24 2015. <>.

Chapter 1
1 Paul the seruaut of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle put a parte to preache the Gospell of God
2 which he promysed afore by his Prophetes in the holy scriptures
3 that make mension of his sonne the which was begotte of the seed of David as pertayninge to the flesshe:
4 and declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy goost that sanctifieth sence ye tyme that Iesus Christ oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth
5 by whom we have receaved grace and apostleshyppe to bringe all maner hethe people vnto obedience of the fayth that is in his name:
6 of the which hethen are ye a part also which are Iesus christes by vocacio.
7 To all you of Rome beloved of God and saynctes by callinge. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
8 Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorow Iesus Christ for you all because youre fayth is publisshed through out all the worlde.
9 For God is my witnes whom I serve with my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne that with out ceasinge I make mencion of you alwayes in my prayers
10 besechinge that at one tyme or another a prosperous iorney (by ye will of god) myght fortune me to come vnto you.
11 For I longe to see you that I myght bestowe amoge you some spirituall gyfte to strength you with all:
12 that is that I myght have consolacion together with you through the commen fayth which bothe ye and I have.
13 I wolde that ye shuld knowe brethre how that I have often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but have bene let hitherto) to have some frute amonge you as I have amonge other of ye Gentyls.
14 For I am detter both to the Grekes and to them which are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned.
15 Lykewyse as moche as in me is I am redy to preache the Gospell to you of Rome also.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
17 For by it ye rightewesnes which cometh of god is opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: The iust shall live by fayth.
18 For the wrath of God apereth from heven agaynst all vngodlynes and vnrightewesnes of me which withholde ye trueth in vnrightewesnes
19 seynge what maye be knowen of God that same is manifest amoge them. For God dyd shewe it vnto them.
20 So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. So that they are without excuse
21 in as moche as when they knewe god they glorified him not as God nether were thakfull but wexed full of vanities in their imaginacions and their folisshe hertes were blynded.
23 When they couted them selves wyse they became foles and turned the glory of the immortall god vnto the similitude of the ymage of mortall man and of byrdes and foure foted beastes and of serpentes.
24 Wherfore god lykewyse gave the vp vnto their hertes lustes vnto vnclennes to defyle their awne boddyes bitwene them selves:
25 which tourned his truthe vnto a lye and worshipped and served the creatures more then ye maker which is blessed for ever. Ame.
26 For this cause god gave them vp vnto shamfull lustes. For even their wemen did chaunge the naturall vse vnto the vnnaturall.
27 And lyke wyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woma and bret in their lustes one on another. And man with man wrought filthynes and receaved in them selves the rewarde of their erroure as it was accordinge.
28 And as it semed not good vnto them to be aknowen of God even so God delivered them vp vnto a leawde mynd yt they shuld do tho thinges which were not comly
29 beinge full of all vnrighteous doinge of fornicacio wickednes coveteousnes maliciousnes full of envie morther debate disseyte evill codicioned whisperers
30 backbyters haters of God doers of wroge proude bosters bringers vp of evyll thinges disobedient to father and mother
31 with out vnderstondinge covenaunte breakers vnlovinge trucebreakers and merciles.
32 Which me though they knew the rightewesnes of God how that they which soche thinges commyt are worthy of deeth yet not only do the same but also have pleasure in them that do them.

Chapter 2
1 Therfore arte thou inexcusable o man whosoever thou be yt iudgest. For in ye same wherin thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest doest eve the same selfe thinges
2 But we are sure that the iudgement of God is accordinge to trueth agaynst them which commit soche thinges.
3 Thikest thou this O thou ma that iudgest them which do soche thinges and yet doest eve the very same yt thou shalt escape ye iudgemet of God?
4 Ether despisest thou the riches of his goodnes paciece and longe sufferaunce? and remembrest not how that the kyndnes of God ledith the to repentaunce?
5 But thou after thyne harde herte yt canot repet heapest ye togedder the treasure of wrath agaynste the daye of vengeauce when shalbe opened ye rightewes iudgemet of god
6 which will rewarde every ma accordinge to his dedes:
7 that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalite to them which cotinue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe.
8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth yet folowe iniquytie shall come indignacion and wrath
9 tribulacion and anguysshe vpon the soule of every man that doth evyll: of the Iewe fyrst and also of the gentyll.
10 To every man that doth good shall come prayse honoure and peace to ye Iewe fyrst and also to the gentyll.
11 For ther is no parcialyte with god. But whosoever hath synned with out lawe shall perisshe wt out lawe.
12 And as many as haue synned vnder the lawe shalbe iudged by the lawe.
13 For before god they are not ryghteous which heare ye lawe: but the doers of the lawe shalbe iustified.
14 For if the gentyls which have no lawe do of nature the thynges contayned in the lawe: then they havynge no lawe are a lawe vnto them selves
15 which shewe the dede of the lawe wrytten in their hertes: whyll their conscience beareth witnes vnto them and also their thoughtes accusynge one another or excusynge
16 at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordinge to my Gospell.
17 Beholde thou arte called a Iewe and trustest in the lawe and reioysist in God
18 and knowest his will and hast experience of good and bad in that thou arte informed by the lawe:
19 and belevest that thou thy silfe arte a gyde vnto the blynde a lyght to them which are in darcknes
20 an informer of them which lacke discrecio a teacher of vnlearned which hast the ensample of that which ought to be knowen and of the truth in the lawe.
21 But thou which teachest another teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest a man shuld not steale: and yet thou stealest.
22 Thou sayst a man shuld not commit advoutry: and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages and robbest God of his honoure.
23 Thou reioysest in the lawe and thorow breakinge the lawe dishonourest God.
24 For the name of god is evyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls thorowe you as it is written.
25 Circumcisio verely avayleth if thou kepe the lawe. But if thou breake the lawe thy circumcision is made vncircumcision.
26 Therfore if the vncircumcised kepe the ryght thinges contayned in the lawe: shall not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
27 And shall not vncircumcision which is by nature (yf it kepe the lawe) iudge the which beynge vnder the letter and circumcision dost transgresse the lawe?
28 For he is not a Iewe which is a Iewe out warde. Nether is that thynge circumcision which is outwarde in the flesshe.
29 But he is a Iewe which is hid wythin and the circucisio of ye herte is the true circumcision which is in the sprete and not in ye letter whose prayse is not of men but of god.

Chapter 3

1 What preferment then hath the Iewe? other what a vauntageth circumcision?
2 Surely very moche. Fyrst vnto them was committed the worde of God
3 What then though some of them did not beleve? shall their vnbeleve make the promes of god with out effecte?
4 God forbid. Let god be true and all men lyars as it is written: That thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinge and shuldest overcome when thou arte iudged.
5 Yf oure vnrightewesnes make the rightewesnes of God more excellent: what shall we saye? Is God vnrighteous which taketh vengeauce? I speake after the maner of me.
6 God forbid. For how then shall God iudge the worlde?
7 Yf the veritie of God appere moare excellent thorow my lye vnto his prayse why am I hence forth iudged as a synner?
8 and saye not rather (as men evyll speake of vs and as some affirme that we saye) let vs do evyll that good maye come therof. Whose damnacion is iuste.
9 What saye we then? Are we better then they? No in no wyse. For we have all ready proved how that both Iewes and Gentils are all vnder synne
10 as it is writte: There is none righteous no not one:
11 There is none that vnderstondith there is none yt seketh after God
12 they are all gone out of ye waye they are all made vnprofytable ther is none that doeth good no not one.
13 Their throte is an open sepulchre with their tounges they have disceaved: the poyson of Aspes is vnder their lippes.
14 Whose mouthes are full of coursynge and bitternes.
15 Their fete are swyfte to sheed bloud.
16 Destruccion and wretchednes are in their wayes.
17 And the waye of peace they have not knowen.
18 There is no feare of God before their eyes.
19 Ye and we knowe that whatsoever ye lawe sayth he sayth it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped and all the worlde be subdued to god
20 because that by ye dedes of the lawe shall no flesshe be iustified in the sight of God. For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of synne.
21 Now verely is ye rigtewesnes that cometh of God declared without the fulfillinge of ye lawe havinge witnes yet of ye lawe and of the Prophetes.
22 The rightewesnes no dout which is good before God cometh by ye fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleve.Ther is no differece:
23 for all have synned and lacke the prayse yt is of valoure before God:
24 but are iustified frely by his grace through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu
25 whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure in yt he forgeveth ye synnes yt are passed which God dyd suffre
26 to shewe at this tyme ye rightewesnes yt is alowed of him yt he myght be couted iuste and a iustifiar of him which belevith on Iesus.
27 Where is then thy reioysinge? It is excluded. By what lawe? by ye lawe of workes? Naye: but by the lawe of fayth.
28 For we suppose that a man is iustified by fayth without the dedes of ye lawe.
29 Is he the God of the Iewes only? Is he not also the God of the Gentyls? Yes eve of the Gentyles also.
30 For it is God only which iustifieth circumcision which is of fayth and vncircumcision thorow fayth.
31 Do we then destroye the lawe thorow fayth? God forbid. But we rather mayntayne the lawe.

Chapter 4

1 What shall we saye then that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to ye flesshe dyd finde?
2 If Abraham were iustified by dedes the hath he wherin to reioyce: but not with god.
3 For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god and it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes.
4 To him that worketh is the rewarde not reckened of favour: but of duty.
5 To him that worketh not but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly is his fayth counted for rightewesnes.
6 Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribeth rihgtewesnes without dedes.
7 Blessed are they whose vnrightewesnes are forgeven and whose synnes are covered.
8 Blessed is that ma to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne.
9 Came this blessednes then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircucised? We saye verely how that fayth was rekened to Abraham for rightewesnes.
10 How was it rekened? in the tyme of circumcision? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in tyme of circucision: but when he was yet vncircumcised.
11 And he receaved the signe of circumcision as a seale of yt rightewesnes which is by fayth which fayth he had yet beynge vncircucised: that he shuld be the father of all them that beleve though they be not circumcised that rightewesnes myght be imputed to them also:
12 and that he myght be the father of the circumcised not because they are circumcised only: but because they walke also in the steppes of that fayth yt was in oure father Abraham before the tyme of circumcision.
13 For the promes that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde was not geven to Abraha or to his seed thorow the lawe: but thorow ye rightewesnes which cometh of fayth.
14 For yf they which are of the lawe be heyres then is fayth but vayne and the promes of none effecte.
15 Because the lawe causeth wrathe. For where no lawe is there is no trasgression.
16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritauce geven that it myght come of faveour: and the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abraham which is the father of vs all.
17 As it is wrytten: I have made the a father to many nacions even before god whom thou hast beleved which quyckeneth the deed and called those thinges which be not as though they were.
18 Which Abraham contrary to hope beleved in hope that he shuld be the father of many nacions accordynge to that which was spoken:
19 So shall thy seed be. And he faynted not in the fayth nor yet consydered hys awne body which was now deed even when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past chyldeberinge.
20 He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth and gave honour to God
21 full certifyed that what he had promised that he was able to make good.
22 And therfore was it reckened to him for rightewesnes.
23 It is not written for him only that it was reckened to him for rightewesnes:
24 but also for vs to whom it shalbe counted for rightewesnes so we beleve on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from deeth.
25 Which was delivered for oure synnes and rose agayne forto iustifie vs.

Chapter 5
1 Because therfore that we are iustified by fayth we are at peace with god thorow oure Lorde Iesue Christ:
2 by who we have awaye in thorow fayth vnto this grace wherin we stonde aud reioyce in hope of the prayse that shalbe geven of God.
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
4 pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes by the holy goost which is geven vnto vs.
6 For when we were yet weake accordynge to ye tyme: Christ dyed for vs which were vngodly.
7 Yet scace will eny man dye for a rightewes man. Paraventure for a good ma durst a man dye.
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
9 Moche more then now (seynge we are iustifyed in his bloud) shall we be saved from wrath thorow him.
10 For yf when we were enemyes we were reconciled to God by the deeth of his sonne: moche more seinge we are reconciled we shal be preservid by his lyfe.
11 Not only so but we also ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we have receavyd the attonment.
12 Wherfore as by one ma synne entred into the worlde and deeth by the meanes of synne. And so deeth went over all men in somoche that all men synned.
13 For even vnto the tyme of the lawe was synne in the worlde: but synne was not regarded as longe as ther was no lawe:
14 neverthelesse deeth rayned fro Adam to Moses eve over them also that synned not wt lyke transgression as dyd Adam: which is ye similitude of him that is to come.
15 But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorow the synne of one many be deed: moche more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God and gyfte by grace: which grace was geven by one man Iesus Christ.
16 And ye gifte is not over one synne as deeth cam thorow one synne of one yt synned. For damnacion cam of one synne vnto condemnacion: but the gyft cam to iustify fro many synnes.
17 For yf by the synne of one deeth raigned by the meanes of one moche more shall they which receave aboundance of grace and of the gyfte of rightewesnes raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ.
18 Lykewyse then as by the synne of one condemnacion cam on all men: eve so by the iustifyinge of one cometh the rightewesnes that bringeth lyfe vpo all men.
19 For as by one manes disobediece many be cam synners: so by ye obediece of one shall many be made righteous.
20 But ye lawe in the meane tyme entred in yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of grace.
21 That as synne had raigned vnto deeth even so might grace raygne thorow rightewesnes vnto eternall lyfe by the helpe of Iesu Christ.
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