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Book of Revelation 21-22 (WYC)

Wycliffe Bible. Bible Gateway, Apr. 12 2015. Web. Apr. 12 2015. <>.

Revelation 21-22Wycliffe Bible (WYC)

21 And I saw new heaven and new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth went away, and the sea is not now [and now is not the sea].

And I John saw the holy city Jerusalem, new, coming down from heaven, made ready of God, as a wife adorned to her husband. [And I John saw the holy city Jerusalem, new, coming down from heaven of God, made ready as a wife adorned to her husband.]

And I heard a great voice from the throne [And I heard a great voice of the throne], saying, Lo! the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them; and they shall be his people, and he God with them shall be their God.

And God shall wipe away each tear from the eyes of them; and death shall no more be, neither mourning, neither crying, neither sorrow, shall (all) be over; which first things went away.

And he said, that sat in the throne, Lo! I make all things new. And he said to me, Write thou, for these words be most faithful and true.

And he said to me, It is done; I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I shall give freely of the well of quick water to him that thirsteth [I shall give freely to the thristing of the well of quick water].

He that shall overcome, shall wield these things; and I shall be God to him, and he shall be son to me.

But to fearedful men, and unbelieveful, and cursed, and man-quellers, and fornicators, and to witches, and to worshippers of idols, and to all liars, the part of them shall be in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, that is the second death.

And one came of the seven angels, having vials full of the seven last vengeances. And he spake with me, and said, Come thou, and I shall show to thee the spousess, the wife of the lamb. [And one came of the seven angels, having vials full of the seven last plagues. And he spake with me saying, Come thou, I shall show to thee the spouse, wife of the lamb.]

10 And he took me up in Spirit into a great hill and high; and he showed to me the holy city of Jerusalem, coming down from heaven of God,

11 having the clarity of God; and the light of it like [to] a precious stone, as the stone jasper, [and] as crystal.

12 And it had a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and in the gates of it twelve angels, and names written in, that be the names of [the] twelve lineages of the sons of Israel;

13 from the east three gates, and from the north three gates, and from the south three gates, and from the west three gates.

14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundaments, and in them the twelve names of the twelve apostles, and of the lamb.

15 And he that spake with me, had a golden measure of a reed, that he should mete the city, and the gates of it, and the wall.

16 And the city was set in square; and the length of it is so much, as much as is the breadth. And he meted the city with the reed, by furlongs twelve thousands [by furlongs twelve thousand]. And the height, and the length and the breadth of it, be even.

17 And he meted the walls of it, of an hundred and forty and four cubits, by measure of man, that is, of the angel.

18 And the building of the wall thereof was of the stone jasper. And the city itself was clean gold, like [to] clean glass.

19 And the foundaments of the wall of the city were adorned with all precious stone. The first foundament, jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald [smaragdus];

20 the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth, amethyst.

21 And the twelve gates be twelve margarites, by each; and each gate was of each margarite. And the streets of the city were clean gold, as of glass full shining [as glass full shining].

22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God almighty and the lamb, is the temple of it.

23 And the city hath no need of the sun, neither [of] moon, that they shine in it; for the clarity of God shall lighten it; and the lamb is the lantern of it.

24 And folks shall walk in the light of it; and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour into it.

25 And the gates of it shall not be closed by day; and night shall not be there.

26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of folks into it.

27 Neither any man defouled [Neither any thing defouled], and doing abomination and lying, shall enter into it; but they that be written in the book of life of the lamb.

22 And he showed to me a river of quick water, shining as crystal, coming forth of the seat of God, and of the lamb, [And he showed to me a flood of quick water, shining as crystal, coming forth of the seat of God, and of the lamb.]

in the middle of the street of it. And on each side of the river, the tree of life, bringing forth twelve fruits, yielding his fruit by each month; and the leaves of the tree be to healing of folks. [In the middle of the street of it, and on each side of the flood, the tree of life, bringing forth twelve fruits, yielding his fruit by each month; and the leaves of the tree be to health of folks.]

And each cursed thing shall no more be; but the seats of God and of the lamb shall be in it. And the servants of him shall serve him.

And they shall see his face, and his name [shall be] in their foreheads.

And night shall no more be, and they shall not have need to the light of a lantern, neither to light of the sun; for the Lord God shall lighten them [And night shall no more be, and they shall not have need to light of lantern, neither to light of the sun; for the Lord God shall light them], and they shall reign into worlds of worlds.

And he said to me, These words be most faithful and true. And the Lord God of spirits of prophets sent his angel [And the Lord God of spirits prophets sent his angel], to show to his servants, what things it behooveth to be done soon.

And lo! I come swiftly. Blessed is he, that keepeth the words of prophecy of this book.

And I am John, that heard and saw these things. And after that I had heard and seen, I felled down [I fell down], to worship before the feet of the angel, that showed to me these things.

And he said to me, See thou, that thou do not; for I am a servant with thee [And he said to me, See that thou do not; for I am thine even-servant], and of thy brethren, prophets, and of them that keep the words of prophecy of this book; worship thou God.

10 And he said to me, Sign, or seal, thou not the words of prophecy of this book; for the time is nigh.

11 He that harmeth, harm he yet; and he that is in filths, wax he foul yet; and a just man, be justified yet [and he that is just, be he yet justified]; and the holy, be [he] hallowed yet.

12 Lo! I come soon, and my meed with me, to yield to each man after his works.

13 I am alpha and omega, the first and the last, beginning and end.

14 Blessed be they, that wash their stoles, that the power of them be in the tree of life, and enter by the gates into the city.

15 For withoutforth [shall be shut] hounds, and witches, and unchaste men, and man-quellers, and serving to idols, and each that loveth and maketh lying.

17 And the Spirit and the spousess say [and the spouse, or wife, say], Come thou. And he that heareth, say, Come thou; and he that thirsteth, come; and he that will, take he freely the water of life [and he that will, take freely the water of life].

18 And I witness to each man hearing the words of prophecy of this book, if any man shall put to these things, God shall put on him the vengeances written in this book [God shall put upon him the plagues written in this book].

19 And if any man do away of the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away the part of him from the book of life, and from the holy city, and from these things that be written in this book.

20 He saith, that beareth witnessing of these things, Yea, Amen. [Lo!] I come soon. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jesus.

21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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