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12020-04-15T11:26:19-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dExplore by CategoryAlexis Bard Johnson10structured_gallery2024-04-25T11:27:48-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
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1media/2012030_b01_f13_1_thumb.jpg2020-04-10T14:34:20-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dProtest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients3Protest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients at Los Angeles County and USC hospitals. Circa Archives at the USC LibrariesONE Archives at the USC LibrariesCourtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries20150708192957-0700Coll2012-030 Advocate recordsProtest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients at Los Angeles County and USC hospitals. Circa 1989.KMDemonstrations--California--Los AngelesAIDS activistsAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Black Cat demonstration 6 signs_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:37:44-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dBlack Cat demonstration--six signs1PRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest of the riots that occurred when police raided the Black Cat bar in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, Cat demonstration 6 signs.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:37:44-07:00Black Cat riots20081125112944-0800unknownLos Angeles3909 West Sunset BoulevardCAUSUnited StatesCourtesy of ONE Archives at the USC LibrariesKMPRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest when police raided the Black Cat bar in Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, 1967.Picketing--California--Los AngelesGay activistsLesbian activistsONE Archives at the USC LibrariesColl2012-030 Advocate recordsAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Black Cat demonstration 5 signs_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:39:31-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dBlack Cat demonstration--five signs1PRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest of the riots that occurred when police raided the Black Cat bar in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, Cat demonstration 5 signs.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:39:31-07:00Black Cat riots20081125161521-0800unknownLos Angeles3909 West Sunset BoulevardCAUSUnited StatesCourtesy of ONE Archives at the USC LibrariesKMPRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest when police raided the Black Cat bar in Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, 1967.Picketing--California--Los AngelesGay activistsLesbian activistsONE Archives at the USC LibrariesColl2012-030 Advocate recordsAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Show your outrage_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:42:44-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dShow your outrage!1Text continues: "To ex-chief of LAPD; State Senator Ed Davis; and Mr. Big in Bigotry Governor Pete Wilson over: continues GOP AIDS inaction; AB 101 veto; SB827 veto (sexual harassment bill) ; Davis bill SB 982 (proposed criminalization of all sex for HIV+ persons; legal demonstration and elective civil disobedience with legal support."Black text on yellow paper. The top margin of the poster provides a list of organizations affiliated with the host coalition. The bottom half of the poster lists the location information for the demonstration in Woodland Hills, civil disobedience training sessions in Plummer Park, and a pre-action rally in Silverlake. This poster is double sided, the alternative side provides identical information in Spanish. Queer Nation and the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center are listed next to ACT UP/LA as organizers of the your outrage.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:42:44-07:002018021512570320180215125703Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Stonewall June 27 1976_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:17:45-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dStonewall June 27 761Text continues: "Full rights for gays; end racism and sexism; disunity the problem; solidarity the answer." Purple and red text on yellow background. The right side of the poster contains a purple drawing of a person with a raised fist. Mounted on foam board. Lower margin contains handwriting in June 27 1976.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:17:45-07:002019090320061120190903200611Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Anti-racism protest in front of Studio One_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:46:37-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dAnti-racism protest in front of Studio One1Anti-racism protest in front of Studio One with Richard Adams. Undatedmedia/Anti-racism protest in front of Studio One.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:46:37-07:00Anti-racism protest in front of Studio One20160523170045-0700Pat RoccoWest Hollywood652 La PeerCaliforniaCourtesy of ONE Archives at the University of Southern California LibrariesAnti-racism protest in front of Studio One with Richard Adams. UndatedGay bars--California--Los Angeles.Bars (drinking establishments)Nightclubs--CaliforniaONE Archives at the University of Southern California LibrariesColl2007-006 Pat Rocco photographs and papersAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Gay leaders at police station_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:24:55-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dGay leaders at police station1Al Gordon, looking to challenge the unequal enforcement of sex laws in Los Angeles, persuaded Morris Kight to make a citizen arrest of three couples; Jeanne Cordova and Barbara Gehrke, Reverend Troy Perry and Steve Jordan, and Jeanne Barney and Frank Brighamand. The photograph captures Al Gordon and Morris Kight attempting to turn in the "Felon 6" to the police at the Rampart Police Station. The event was witnessed by community leaders Pat Underwood (left at counter), W. Dorr Legg (to Pat's left), Al Gordon (in front of officer), Reverend Troy Perry (behind Al), Morris Kight (black jacket and glasses), Steve Jordon (sunglasses), Frank Brighamand (black tie), Barbara Gehrke, and Jeanne Barney (right). In 1975, Willie Brown's bill to reform the California sex laws passed with the help of Senate Majority Leader George Moscone and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. July leaders at police station.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:24:55-07:00Gay leaders at police station20130131164420-0800Pat RoccoLos Angeles2710 West Temple StreetCAUSUnited Statesone_c2007-006_b59_f48_4795This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.Pat RoccoKM, mcoAl Gordon, looking to challenge the unequal enforcement of sex laws in Los Angeles, persuaded Morris Kight to make a citizen arrest of three couples; Jeanne Cordova and Barbara Gehrke, Reverend Troy Perry and Steve Jordan, and Jeanne Barney and Frank Brighamand. The photograph captures Al Gordon and Morris Kight attempting to turn in the "Felon 6" to the police at the Rampart Police Station. The event was witnessed by community leaders Pat Underwood (left at counter), W. Dorr Legg (to Pat's left), Al Gordon (in front of officer), Reverend Troy Perry (behind Al), Morris Kight (black jacket and glasses), Steve Jordon (sunglasses), Frank Brighamand (black tie), Barbara Gehrke, and Jeanne Barney (right). In 1975, Willie Brown's bill to reform the California sex laws passed with the help of Senate Majority Leader George Moscone and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally. July 1974.Gay activists--California--Los AngelesLesbian activistsPolice stationsGays--Legal statuslawsetc.NEHONE National Gay & Lesbian ArchivesColl2007-006 Pat Rocco papersAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Black Gays Unite banner_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:27:01-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d"Black Gay's Unite" banner1Men hold a "Black Gays Unite" banner at the Los Angeles Chirstopher Street West pride parade. Gays Unite banner.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:27:01-07:00"Black Gay's Unite" banner20130131164506-0800Pat RoccoLos AngelesHollywood BoulevardCAUSUnited Statesone_c2007-006_b60_f48_5549This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.Pat RoccoKM, mcoMen hold a "Black Gays Unite" banner at the Los Angeles Chirstopher Street West pride parade. 1975.Gay pride parades--California--Los AngelesAfrican American gays.NEHONE National Gay & Lesbian ArchivesColl2007-006 Pat Rocco papersAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Ron Grayson and Troy Perry at police protest_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:28:38-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dRon Grayson and Troy Perry at police protest1Ron Grayson speaks out next to Reverend Troy Perry at a protest against the Los Angeles Police Department and police chief Ed Davis. Grayson and Troy Perry at police protest.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:28:38-07:00Ron Grayon and Troy Perry at police protest20130131164606-0800Pat RoccoLos AngelesCAUSUnited Statesone_c2007-006_b61_f14_6098This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.Pat RoccoKMRon Grayson speaks out next to Reverend Troy Perry at a protest against the Los Angeles Police Department and police chief Ed Davis. 1975.Demonstrations--California--Los AngelesDiscriminationGay rights.NEHONE National Gay & Lesbian ArchivesColl2007-006 Pat Rocco papersAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Black Cat demonstration 3 signs_thumb.jpg2020-06-09T13:32:16-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dBlack Cat demonstration--three signs1PRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest of the riots that occurred when police raided the Black Cat bar in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, Cat demonstration 3 signs.jpgplain2020-06-09T13:32:16-07:00Black Cat riots20081125113438-0800unknownLos Angeles3909 West Sunset BoulevardCAUSUnited StatesCourtesy of ONE Archives at the USC LibrariesKMPRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) led hundreds in protest when police raided the Black Cat bar in Los Angeles and brutally beat patrons and the bartender. February 11, 1967.Picketing--California--Los AngelesGay activistsLesbian activistsONE Archives at the USC LibrariesColl2012-030 Advocate recordsAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d