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12020-04-15T11:26:19-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dExplore by CategoryAlexis Bard Johnson10structured_gallery2024-04-25T11:27:48-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
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1media/You_dont_have_to_look_sick_to_have_AIDS_thumb.jpg2020-04-10T15:23:30-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dYou don't have to look sick to have AIDS3Text continues: "Men get it. Women get it. Even children get AIDS. Protect yourself. Protect your children. If you already have the virus, treatment will keep you healthy. If you don't have it, you can make sure you don't get it. Call today for a blood test. It's free. They won't even ask your name. Don't wait. Call today." The center of the poster contains a black and white photograph of a woman in a jacket, her hands resting on her hips. The right margin contains white text on black Archives at the USC LibrariesAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/2012030_b01_f13_1_thumb.jpg2020-04-10T14:34:20-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dProtest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients3Protest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients at Los Angeles County and USC hospitals. Circa Archives at the USC LibrariesONE Archives at the USC LibrariesCourtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries20150708192957-0700Coll2012-030 Advocate recordsProtest against the the lack of hospital space for AIDS patients at Los Angeles County and USC hospitals. Circa 1989.KMDemonstrations--California--Los AngelesAIDS activistsAlexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/No Bed Now Im Dead_thumb.jpg2020-07-16T14:45:41-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dNo Bed! Now I'm Dead2Picket sign with pink text on white background in the shape of a Bed Now Im Dead.jpgplain2020-07-16T14:45:53-07:002018062413465120180624134651Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/What have you got against a condom_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T13:21:47-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dWhat have you got against a condom?1Text continues: "The simple act of putting on a condom can save your life, if they're used properly and every time you have sex. For more information about AIDS and condoms, call 1-800-342-AIDS." Black text on white background. The center of the poster contains a black and white photograph of Sugar Ray Leonard reading a have you got against a condom.jpgplain2020-07-02T13:21:48-07:002018051509562820180515095628Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Put it on_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:18:07-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dPut it on1Text continues: "Open up safe sex poster; first prize winner." Majority of the poster contains a color photograph of a condom on the tip of a tongue. Lower margin contains brown text on white it on.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:18:07-07:002018040513022220180405130222Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Simply having one on hand wont do any good_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:20:50-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dSimply having one on hand won't do any good1Text continues: "For a latex condom to be effective against AIDS, you've got to put it on the correct appendage. Use a condom. Barring abstinence, it's the best way to prevent AIDS. For more information about HIV and AIDS, call the AIDS Action Committee Hotline at 1-800-235-2331." Black text on white background. The center of the poster contains a color photograph of a yellow condom inside a clear having one on hand wont do any good.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:20:50-07:002018051510333220180515103332Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/The art of living_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:22:55-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dThe Art of Living1Black text on white background. The center of the poster contains a black and white graphic of two hands reaching toward one another; one hand is holding a art of living.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:22:55-07:0020180510130400Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Protect Our People_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:23:46-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dProtect Our People1Text continues: "If you bring AIDS into a relationship, it can infect your partner and your unborn children. The only 100% sure protection is doing without sex completely. Next best is using a latex condom with every partner, male or female, every time. Remember, sharing needles for drugs can give you AIDS. Drugs and alcohol affect your judgement, too, and make it hard to stay safe. For more information, call the AIDS hotline at 1-800-922-2437 in Southern California or 1-800-367-2437 in Northern California. AIDS. It's up to you." Black text on white background. The lower right quadrant of the poster contains a black and white photograph of a condom and a Our People.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:23:46-07:002018060413131220180604131312Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/What the Smart Dressed Man is Wearing_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:24:29-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dWhat the smart dressed man is wearing, condoms1Text continues: "Not just another fashion statement." Black text over black and white photograph of various men's accessories spread out on a floor; among them is a condom with a blue wrapper.Verso contains identical image with text in the Smart Dressed Man is Wearing.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:24:29-07:002018051415131320180514151313Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Or you can stick your head in the sand_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:25:33-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dOr, you can stick your head in the sand1Text continues: "Ignoring the AIDS epidemic isn't going to make it go away. But using a latex condom will help you prevent spreading it further. For more information about HIV and AIDS, call the AIDS Action Committee Hotline at 1-800-235-2331." Black text on white background. The center of the poster contains a color photograph of an orange condom inside a clear you can stick your head in the sand.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:25:33-07:002018051510015720180515100157Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d
1media/Life Preserver_thumb.jpg2020-07-02T11:26:19-07:00Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23dLife Preserver1Text continues: "Wearing condoms saves lives. Maybe yours. Your partner's. Or the loves of future partners. And though condoms can't cure AIDS, they can stop it. But only if you wear them. So make a habit of sleeping with condoms. As though your life depended on it. Use condoms. There's living proof they stop AIDS." Black text on gray background. The upper half of the poster contains a black and white photograph of an unwrapped Preserver.jpgplain2020-07-02T11:26:19-07:002018062614380120180626143801Alexis Bard Johnson9328ae6a5985e503ee2cbc8a82cadb50636ac23d